Richard Branson vows to take his family into space

Sir Richard Branson said space travel project has global support. Picture: ReutersSir Richard Branson said space travel project has global support. Picture: Reuters
Sir Richard Branson said space travel project has global support. Picture: Reuters
SIR Richard Branson has insisted he still intends to travel to space with his family on the Virgin Galactic craft, despite the fatal crash during a test flight.

US investigators say have not ruled out the possibility of pilot error on board SpaceShipTwo, which crashed in the Mojave Desert in California on Friday, killing the co-pilot, Michael Alsbury, 39.

Sir Richard, the billionaire tycoon behind the project, said surviving pilot Peter Siebold, 43, had escaped serious injury and should be out of hospital within days.

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He also said Virgin Galactic could “move forward” despite the disaster.

Speaking yesterday Sir Richard said: “We’ve spent many, many years building a spacecraft, a mothership, a space port, that I think can do the job and do the job safely.

“We will not start taking people until we’ve finished a whole massive series of test flights and until myself and my family have gone up.”

Sir Richard also criticised the “irresponsible innuendo” in some reports of the crash, ­including claims there had been a mid-air explosion and that some engineers had left the project over safety concerns.


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“It was incredibly hurtful to the 400 engineers who have worked so gallantly at Virgin Galactic,” he said.

He said that intact fuel tanks and engines on the ground made a mockery of claims that there had been a “massive explosion”.

On reports that some had ejected from the craft, he said: “We don’t have ejector seats.”

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Sir Richard said there was “overwhelming global support” for the project. “I’m absolutely convinced Virgin Galactic has a great future,” he added.

The United States National Transportation Safety Board, which is probing the crash, has revealed that seconds before the crash, a safety device to slow the descent had been deployed prematurely.

A spokesman said a second step in the safety process – which involves raising and rotating the spacecraft’s tail – had occurred “without being commanded” and that “two seconds later we saw disintegration”.

The spokesman, when asked whether investigators were “edging” towards the possibility of pilot error, replied: “We’re not edging towards anything. We’re not ruling anything out.

“We’re looking at all of these issues to determine what was the root cause of this mishap.

“We are looking at a number of possibilities including that possibility [of pilot error].”

Virgin Galactic – owned by Sir Richard’s Virgin Group and Aabar Investments PJS of Abu Dhabi – plans to fly passengers to altitudes of more than 62 miles above Earth.

The company, which sells seats on each prospective journey for £156,000, has denied reports that it ignored safety warnings ahead of the test flight crash.


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