New portrait shows Queen in great Scots outdoors

Queen Elizabeth II, pictured next to Gelder Burn. Picture: Julian Calder and Mark CatorQueen Elizabeth II, pictured next to Gelder Burn. Picture: Julian Calder and Mark Cator
Queen Elizabeth II, pictured next to Gelder Burn. Picture: Julian Calder and Mark Cator
DRESSED in her green velvet mantle and the Collar of the Order made of golden thistles and rue sprigs, the Queen stands proudly next to Gelder Burn stream on the Balmoral Estate.

The striking shot, one of more than a hundred royal portraits in a new book, offers no digital trickery. Instead, the picture of Her Majesty in full regalia, was taken during an hour-long photoshoot to mark the 60th anniversary of her Coronation.

Author of the Coronation edition, which was first published in 1999, Alastair Bruce and photographers Julian Calder and Mark Cator said that in addition to more traditional images, they wanted to highlight some less prominent roles – like Queen of Scots and the Chief of the Chiefs. “I was so keen to see Her Majesty in her Thistle robes and in the Scottish landscape but it was raining stair-rods on the day,” said Mr Bruce.

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“Then, as the allotted hour approached, the skies cleared and the Queen not only agreed to go outside but also to be photographed at a spot I had picked 25 minutes away.” He added: “There was no time to set up the shot but it was this magical moment – hardly a breath of wind and no midges”.