Police tow vehicles and charge drivers after visitors block roads near Scotland beauty spots

Officers have been charging drivers and towing vehicles that have been parked irresponsibly at Scotland's beauty spotsOfficers have been charging drivers and towing vehicles that have been parked irresponsibly at Scotland's beauty spots
Officers have been charging drivers and towing vehicles that have been parked irresponsibly at Scotland's beauty spots
Several cars have been spotted obstructing country roads in the Highlands.

Officers have begun charging drivers and towing vehicles after visitors to the Scottish Highlands have been poorly parking while visiting the country’s beauty spots.

An area particularly affected has been Glen Nevis, Fort William, where several vehicles were so badly parked near the Glen Nevis Visitor Centre and cemetery, they were causing obstruction had to be towed away by police.

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Officers confirmed Highland Council operatives are also active in the area charging drivers, spotting poorly parked vehicles and removing them to prevent obstruction to the local roads.

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Inspector Isla Campbell, Local Policing Inspector for Lochaber, said: "If you have left your car on the road at any point in Glen Nevis, I would urge you to return to it and move it.

"If it is causing an obstruction, it may be removed and you will be responsible for the associated costs."

The news comes after various beauty spots around Scotland have been rammed with visitors in recent weeks with vehicles seen lining small country roads causing obstruction.

Earlier this month police fined 70 motorists for parking illegally near Loch Lomond.

The cars were parked on a weekend day on the road between Balmaha and Rowardennan and posed a risk to others, according to officers.

Visitors to Tinto Hill, Lanarkshire, were also slammed for blocking local roads used regularly by farmers in the area.

Police said parking along the road was dangerous as it obstructed farm and emergency vehicles.

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In a statement officers urged drivers to "please think before parking in an inconsiderate manner.”

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