Scottish designer’s charity creation

The young Glasgow designer behind a check being used to remind people in Scotland of the benefits of finding cancer early  

Picture: Chris JamesThe young Glasgow designer behind a check being used to remind people in Scotland of the benefits of finding cancer early  

Picture: Chris James
The young Glasgow designer behind a check being used to remind people in Scotland of the benefits of finding cancer early Picture: Chris James
The young Glasgwegian fashion designer behind a campaign to catch cancer early has revealed that a family member’s illness was her motivation.

Rachel McMillan’s intricate check print - which is inspired by images and collages of the human body and cancer-free scans - is emblazoned across the Scottish Government and Cancer Research UK’s new #GetChecked campaign - part of Scotland’s effort to turn the Big C into the wee c and increase cancer survival rates in Scotland.

Around 1,000 deaths could be avoided each year in Scotland if cancer survival matched the best in Europe. Early detection is key as the earlier cancer is found, the easier it is to treat.

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The 24-year old Scottish Fashion Awards nominee said: “Cancer is something that touches the lives of so many, me included. A close family member has had breast cancer twice, which was also the motivation behind me getting involved. I hope the check acts as a reminder to people to look more closely at their bodies and take time out of their busy lives to get checked if they have any concerns.

Cancer Research are urging people to #getcheckedCancer Research are urging people to #getchecked
Cancer Research are urging people to #getchecked

“I immediately loved the concept behind this campaign. I wanted to help get such an important message out there in a bold, visual and creative way and am really proud to be unveiling – and wearing - my design today.

“The check was inspired by pictures and collages of the body. I wanted it to be a reflection of the beauty yet fragility of the human body. The check on the final print is made up of rib cages and skeletal bones; it takes on an almost mechanical structure reminding us that our bodies are fragile and need looking after.

“My textile designs always originate from drawings or collages and are then digitally manipulated to create the overall patterns. This design took many hours of experimenting, but hopefully its intricate detail and layers will draw people in”

#GetChecked aims to make checked patterns synonymous with early detection, so that every time someone sees a check they think about getting checked if they have a worry or concern and attend screening when invited.

Rachel unveils her design. Picture: Chris JamesRachel unveils her design. Picture: Chris James
Rachel unveils her design. Picture: Chris James

Miss McMillan launched the check at the Cancer Research UK shop in Glasgow’s Queen Street, wearing a dress created in the unique check print to help raise awareness of the benefits of early detection.

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Organisations including M&Co and Morrison Construction have already shown their support for #GetChecked, decking their workplaces and shop windows in checks whilst educating staff and customers on the importance of finding cancer early.

Five limited edition scarves in the bespoke #GetChecked print will be placed in Cancer Research UK stores across Scotland for shoppers to get their hands on, and to help support the charity’s life-saving research work.

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Health Secretary Shona Robison said: “Rachel’s undeniable skill and talent has given this important cancer awareness campaign a bold and recognisable identity and I’d like to thank her for her contribution.

“More people are surviving cancer than ever before but finding it early can make a real difference to your chance of survival. This campaign check, or any check, will hopefully prompt those with concerns to visit their GP or attend screening when invited. The earlier cancer is found, the easier it is to treat.

“A host of organisations and people have already backed the campaign by proudly displaying their colourful checks - I’m joining them today in doing so and hope others will follow. Together, we can bring cancer down to size.”

Ben Dale, the manager at Cancer Research UK’s Glasgow Queen Street shop, said: “Our staff are really behind the drive and we’ve made sure every checked item that has come into the store has told the #GetChecked story.

“The campaign is a fun way of getting across an important message, and we have the bright campaign check on display on our shop window to help raise awareness. The more we can do to encourage people to get potential signs and symptoms checked out at the earliest stage, the better.”

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