WATCH: Northern Ireland fans say goodbye to Jurgen Klopp as Anfield sings 'I'm so glad that Jurgen is a Red'

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A Northern Ireland-born Liverpool fan now living in the city has thanked Jurgen Klopp for giving “his heart and soul” to the club following the manager’s final game.

A 2-0 win over Wolves at Anfield yesterday in front of over 60,000 supporters proved an emotional farewell to Klopp after 491 games and almost nine years during which he led Liverpool to major success including the Premier League title and Champions League.

Mark Thornton, originally from Belfast and a Liverpool season ticket holder for over 30 years, watched from the famous Kop stand with wife Jacqui, son Mattie and daughter Sian and described yesterday as “an emotional roller-coaster”.

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“We moved to the city about six months back and Jurgen leaving is all anyone’s been talking about no matter where you go,” said Thornton. "I went into the bakery this morning and a woman was crying over Jurgen’s last match, at Anfield inside the ground grown men all around were in tears.

Robert Nethery (third left) with Liverpool fans from supporters' clubs in Coleraine and Limavady before Jurgen Klopp's final game. (Photo by Robert Nethery)Robert Nethery (third left) with Liverpool fans from supporters' clubs in Coleraine and Limavady before Jurgen Klopp's final game. (Photo by Robert Nethery)
Robert Nethery (third left) with Liverpool fans from supporters' clubs in Coleraine and Limavady before Jurgen Klopp's final game. (Photo by Robert Nethery)

"I actually came down to the ground for a few hours on Saturday night to help set up the ‘Danke Jurgen YNWA’ mosaic around the three stands.

"When I got up this morning it was the first time in my life I never wanted to go to Anfield but then I realised it was more about a celebration of everything achieved under Jurgen.

"We were at the ground from noon to see the bus arrive and just experience the whole day together as a family and when Jurgen came running over for that final fist pump to the was a real choker.

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"He’s given us his heart and soul, it’s difficult to say farewell but let’s remember the good times.”

Northern Ireland's Mark Thornton (second right) with, from left, son Mattie, wife Jacqui and daughter Sian before Sunday's Premier League game at Anfield which marked the final fixture as Liverpool manager for Jurgen Klopp.Northern Ireland's Mark Thornton (second right) with, from left, son Mattie, wife Jacqui and daughter Sian before Sunday's Premier League game at Anfield which marked the final fixture as Liverpool manager for Jurgen Klopp.
Northern Ireland's Mark Thornton (second right) with, from left, son Mattie, wife Jacqui and daughter Sian before Sunday's Premier League game at Anfield which marked the final fixture as Liverpool manager for Jurgen Klopp.

Robert Nethery flew over from Northern Ireland for the game and described the repeated singing of Klopp’s ‘I’m so glad that Jurgen is a Red’ chant as “incredible”.

"It was just over and over again and the atmosphere inside the ground felt like one of those big European nights,” said the 40-year-old who lives in Coleraine. "It was just incredible being at Anfield. From landing at the airport it just seemed as if everyone was treating the day like a big occasion with loads of colours and singing.

"Jurgen has given me some of my best memories...he put a smile back on the faces of the fans, gave us all belief and put us back on the map.”