Sammy Wilson: Assembly debate on Brexit irrelevant

DUP MP Sammy Wilson accused the SDLP of using the coronavirus crisis to pursue its political agenda on EuropeDUP MP Sammy Wilson accused the SDLP of using the coronavirus crisis to pursue its political agenda on Europe
DUP MP Sammy Wilson accused the SDLP of using the coronavirus crisis to pursue its political agenda on Europe | Other 3rd Party
A Stormont proposal calling for an extension to the Brexit transition period has been dismissed as “irrelevant” by a DUP MP.

On Tuesday, the Assembly is to debate an SDLP proposal calling for the UK government to extend the transition period in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Currently, the UK will continue following EU rules on trade, travel and business until the end of the year as a future trade deal is worked out.

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The SDLP proposal calls for this so-called transition period to be extended.

The party’s Brexit spokesperson, South Belfast MLA Matthew O’Toole, said Tuesday will mark the “first time since the restoration of devolution that the Northern Ireland Assembly has had a substantive debate on Brexit”.

But the DUP’s Brexit spokesperson, Sammy Wilson, said the outcome of the Assembly debate won’t matter since it will be decided at Westminster whether the UK should pursue any extension.

He did, meanwhile, describe the motion put forward by the SDLP as “despicable” for “trying to use the health crisis as a means to pursue their political agenda on Europe”.

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“First of all, I’m not surprised at all by the SDLP for the simple reason that the SDLP don’t want us to leave the European Union and will use every excuse to try and find a way of stopping us,” he told the News Letter.

“What I find particularly despicable is that they are trying to use the health crisis that we are facing as a means to pursue their political agenda on Europe.

“Secondly, not only is it a political move but it is also an illogical move. What do you gain by delaying? The more urgency you put into this the more likely it is that you will get the EU to move in the negotiations.”

The East Antrim MP continued: “Cleary there are massive issues that the EU now has to face with the fallout from the virus, the impact that it’s having on economies across Europe, the fact that they now find themselves in a situation where some of the different countries are concerned by the way coronavirus has been handled by the EU.

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“The last thing they need is for prolonged Brexit negotiations to distract their attention from the problems they have to deal with. That is a massive opportunity for the government to secure a deal that ensures trade will continue tariff free.”

He added: “The Assembly debate is irrelevant. This is a decision to be made in London. The prime minister has made it quite clear that the 31st of December is still the deadline.”

Mr O’Toole said: “Whether you’re a fierce opponent of Brexit or its greatest cheerleader, it’s plain to see that no administration on these islands has the bandwidth to conclude these negotiations while attempting to manage the most significant public health crisis in living memory. It simply cannot be done.

“The motion we have proposed in the Assembly seeks to give all parties the opportunity to support a call for an extension to the transition period in the best interests of people, businesses and communities in Northern Ireland.”