Part-time MPs should replace MSPs - Forsyth

Key points

• Embarrassment for Tories as former secretary of state proposes scheme to save 129 salaries

• Speech undermines party's efforts to rebuild credibility

Key quote

"As the Scottish Parliament sits only one and a half days a week on average, why cannot we get rid of all 129 [MSPs] altogether?" - Lord Forsyth

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Story in full THE Scottish Tories suffered an embarrassing setback yesterday in their efforts to portray themselves as supporters of devolution when it emerged that one of the party’s most senior figures, Lord Forsyth of Drumlean, had publicly called for the abolition of all MSPs.

Lord Forsyth, a former Scottish secretary and still one of the most influential figures in the Scottish Conservative Party, said he believed there should not be any MSPs at all, and that Westminster MPs could cover their workload without much trouble.