Dominic Cummings: Dublin Airport jokes pilot flying small aircraft is 'testing his eye sight' before transatlantic flight

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The official Twitter account of Dublin Airport has poked fun at the explanation given by under-fire prime ministerial aide, Dominic Cummings, who said he drove with his wife and son in the car for 60 miles to test his eye sight.

Mr. Cummings has been at the centre of a political scandal ever since The Daily Mirror and The Guardian published the findings of its investigation into the allegations that Mr. Cummings had broken the lockdown rules.

A member of the public spotted an aircraft in the sky above Dublin and Tweeted Dublin Airport asking them what the plane was doing.

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"Apparently, the pilot is testing his eyesight just to make sure he’ll be ok for a transatlantic flight in a day or two," Dublin Airport cheekily joked.

"Sorry, that’s obviously not the case.

"It’s collecting information for a mapping software company."

The Tweet was published shortly before 3.00pm on Wednesday and at the time of publication it had been retweeted almost 1,500 times and it had received 3,500 likes.

Mr. Cummings is chief aide to Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and has been widely credited as the mastermind behind the Brexit campaign to leave the EU and the Conservatives' 80 seat majority in December 2019's general election.

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Dominic Cummings pictured outside his Islington home on Wednesday. (Photo: PA Wire)Dominic Cummings pictured outside his Islington home on Wednesday. (Photo: PA Wire)
Dominic Cummings pictured outside his Islington home on Wednesday. (Photo: PA Wire) | pa

Last week it was revealed Mr. Cummings allegedly broke the lockdown rules when he, his wife and young child left London and travelled to Durham by car towards the end of March.

Mr. Cummings also admitted leaving Durham and travelling 30 miles away to Barnard Castle with his wife and child on April 12, 2020.

When asked to explain why he left the place he was staying in Durham to travel 30 miles away Mr. Cummings said it was to test his eyesight.

Mr. Cummings said after suffering suspected COVID-19, his eyesight wasn't 100 per cent and said he and wife Mary Wakefield agreed they would drive a short distance before committing to driving from Durham to London.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he believes Mr. Cummings behaved with "integrity" and continues to ignore calls, some from within the Conservative party, demanding that he sack Mr. Cummings or order him to resign.


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