Cost of Gosford forest cones revealed

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The cost of replacing the traffic cones at Gosford Forest Park has been revealed.

The issue was raised at last week’s virtual meeting of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.

During the course of the meeting it was revealed the cost of replacing traffic cones on the A27 hard shoulder, just outside the entrance to the forest park would cost ratepayers £1,200.

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The A27 is the main route for Armagh/Newry-Dublin traffic and with the park’s car park closed, there is concern that people are parking on the hard shoulder, in greater numbers than usual, as they attempt to access the park.

Cars parked at Gosford Forest ParkCars parked at Gosford Forest Park
Cars parked at Gosford Forest Park | User (UGC)

Discussing the matter, Alderman Gareth Wilson described it as “issue growing in importance”.

“This is an issue growing in importance as the advice changes,” said the DUP councillor for Cusher. “Recently at Gosford Forest Park there have been as many as 50 cars parked on the hard shoulder.

“If you take one decision in one area, it can have a knock on effect in another area. Gosford has been open and it is open to local people but because the car park was not open we were encouraging people to come and park on the hard shoulder.

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“It will cost £1,200 to put traffic cones along that hard shoulder.”

In response, the Council’s Strategic Director of People, Mark Parkinson said: “In respect of cones we will liaise with the Police. I would totally agree the use of cones on this hard shoulder is fundamental and has made a difference previously.”

Alderman Jim Speers said it “is only a matter of time before tragedy happens on that road” and called for a “permanent solution” to be found for this issue.

“I must say, as members will be aware, I have raised this point on many occasions,” said the Ulster Unionist Party’s Cusher Councillor.

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“I have seen the cars parked on the main road but yesterday (Wednesday, May 13) there were 12 to 14 cars parked down at the chapel crossroads as well.

“It is only a matter of time before some tragedy happens on that road.

“I have seen kids getting out of cars and kids running around and I have seen it on many occasions. There needs to be some permanent solution to this issue.”

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