Tributes paid to ‘always cheerful’ woman who died in NI house fire

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Tributes have been paid to the woman killed in a NI house fire yesterday.

A woman in her 50s died following a house fire in Londonderry on Sunday morning.

The woman who died has been named locally as Heather Diamond.

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In a post on social media River Faughan Anglers Ltd said: “It is with deepest regret that we pass on the news of the passing of Miss Heather Diamond.

Heather Diamond pictured at a 'Meet your Muslim Neighbour' event held in the North West Islamic Centre back in 2018. DER2018GS001Heather Diamond pictured at a 'Meet your Muslim Neighbour' event held in the North West Islamic Centre back in 2018. DER2018GS001
Heather Diamond pictured at a 'Meet your Muslim Neighbour' event held in the North West Islamic Centre back in 2018. DER2018GS001

“It was a shock to all the directors, present and past, when we learnt this morning of the tragedy that unfolded in Heathers home early this morning on Rossdowney Road.

“Heather has been our office manager for the past 16 seasons, working part time in the office, and more recently at home.

“She was known to our many anglers as the face of the company.

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“Always cheerful, she would greet those anglers as they came to renew their permits with a smile, or would phone up the new applicants with good news, or maybe just making light of the fact we needed a new, up to date photograph, because of a receding of greying hairline!

“During this and last season, Heather had been working for us from home, probably more than the 2 days a week that we asked of her, she was embracing the change to the new online way of working whilst isolating for her own health.

“Due to the circumstances at her home, and her tragic passing, there will be no administration work done this week. We will make an announcement shortly about a way forward.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Heathers family and friends, in this darkest of days.

R.I.P. Heather”

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Police said the blaze in Rossdowney Road was reported at about 7.30am on Sunday.

A woman was taken from the property, however a PSNI spokesman she “tragically died at the scene”.

The cause of the fire has yet to be established but the officer said it will be “subject to investigation” in liaison with the NI Fire and Rescue Service.

And in a statement a Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service Spokesperson said: “The thoughts and sympathies of Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) are with the family, friends and loved ones of a woman who died following a fire in a house on the Rossdowney Road in Londonderry.

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“On Sunday 7 March 2021 at 7.27am, Firefighters were called to reports of a fire in a house on Rossdowney Road, Londonderry. 2 Appliances each from Crescent Link Fire Station, Northland Fire station, Strabane Fire Station and the Specialist Rescue Team attended the incident.

“A female casualty was removed from the house and given CPR by Firefighters before being transferred to the care of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Tragically the woman died at the scene of the incident.

“Firefighters wore breathing apparatus and used 2 hose reel jets, a jet and an aerial appliance to extinguish the fire.

“The cause of the fire is under investigation and the incident was dealt with by 2.11pm.”

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