Coronavirus: Watch as NI care home resident emerges from isolation after defeating Covid-19 to reach 98th birthday

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Next week a resident of a Portadown nursing home will celebrate her 98th birthday, one which she has had to defeat Covid-19 to reach.

Having battled the virus for three weeks May May emerged from isolation at Rosemount Care Home last Friday and received an emotional welcome from staff and residents.

May told the News Letter: “I’m feeling better than I did. I couldn’t ask for any better. Everyone was great.”

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Asked what the worst part was of having Covid-19, she said: “Staying in bed, I couldn’t do anything.”

May May (centre) with her friends at Rosemount, Iris McCoo (left) who had also had Covid-19 symptoms, and Phyllis MurphyMay May (centre) with her friends at Rosemount, Iris McCoo (left) who had also had Covid-19 symptoms, and Phyllis Murphy
May May (centre) with her friends at Rosemount, Iris McCoo (left) who had also had Covid-19 symptoms, and Phyllis Murphy | Other 3rd Party

She added: “I’m looking forward to seeing my family when all this is over.”

May’s friend and fellow Rosemount resident Iris McCoo, who also had Covid-19 symptoms, said: “I couldn’t remember much about it, but I’m glad to get out of my room.

“I’m feeling a lot better, it’s great to see everyone again.”

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Care home deputy manager Julieann McClure said: “We’re so pleased for May. We’ve had a few other ones as well who have had symptoms, but May was the first one so we were just delighted that she has overcome the virus.

May May comes out of isolation to a round of applauseMay May comes out of isolation to a round of applause
May May comes out of isolation to a round of applause

“Iris, who is one of May’s very close friends, also had symptoms. She has come out the other end too. Her and May were sitting out in the garden last Friday and were really enjoying each other’s company again.”

She added: “When May came out there was so much positivity, for a lady at this age to overcome it. I did a wee video to send to her family to reassure them that she’s fighting fit again, they haven’t been able to see her at all. They put it on Facebook and it’s just went from there.”

May’s 98th birthday is next week on May 4: “I’m not sure how that is going to work yet, maybe her family will be allowed to come up and look in the window at her. Or spend some time in the back garden with her.

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“With all the attention she’s been getting we’ve been calling her Queen May of Cherryblossom. She’s a very sweet lady. She’s loving it, she’s loving life.

“She’s actually called Mary May but she gets May May. She’s back to the old May that she was, but she did have it very tough.”

Julieann added: “It’s been a very difficult and very challenging time for the care home. Staff have had to adapt very quickly to new routines within the unit, but the spirit of the staff has been very upbeat.

“They have been willing to help each other out, maybe when staff have went off sick, we’re really pulling together as a team. Now obviously that May has crept into social media the team spirits have lifted again.

“The support we’ve had from the community has been amazing. We’ve had people sending in refreshments, PPE and buns.”