Carrickfergus hamper initiative on target for 1,000th delivery

A photo montage of the many items generously donated for the hampers.A photo montage of the many items generously donated for the hampers.
A photo montage of the many items generously donated for the hampers. | Other 3rd Party
A community hamper initiative for the elderly and vulnerable in East Antrim is on course to reach a significant milestone this weekend.

Spearheaded by UUP MLA John Stewart MLA with support from 25 to 30 individuals volunteering their time too, the hampers have been bringing cheer to nominees throughout the constituency.

What began five weeks ago, John said, with donations for 10 hampers has now grown to the point where the 1,000th hamper is due be delivered tomorrow (Saturday).

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John extended thanks to Carrickfergus Cricket Club which has become the focal point of the operation.

The majority of hampers, he added, have gone to people in the Carrickfergus area, but they have also been received in Whiteabbey, Jordanstown, Whitehead, Ballygally and Carnlough.

John continued: “Again I want to personally thank every single person, business and local organisation for your amazing generosity so far in the support of this appeal.

“We have been truly blown away by the kindness and with your help have now passed the 900th food hamper delivered to elderly and vulnerable residents throughout the constituency.

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Nominations and requests for support continue to come in but sadly we continue to run out of some key items.

“If you have any of the following items spare it would be amazing: tinned vegetables, toilet roll, juice, crisps, pasta sauce, biscuits, rice, milk, tinned fruit, custard/ creamed rice etc, noodle or pasta packets - realistically anything

“I’m sorry again for asking but while there remains a need for this assistance I think it is vital that we try to continue doing what we can.”

Anyone with items for the hampers is asked to message John’s Facebook page to arrange collection from their doorstep.


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