Ballyclare teens’ Ben Nevis challenge raises hundreds for Tearfund

The young people have been taking part in the charity effort for two weeks.The young people have been taking part in the charity effort for two weeks.
The young people have been taking part in the charity effort for two weeks. | Other 3rd Party
A group of young people from Ballyclare have raised over £900 to help people who are living with extreme poverty during the coronavirus pandemic.

The teenagers, who are members of Kilbride Presbyterian Church’s senior Bible class, have been virtually climbing Ben Nevis at their homes over the last 14 days.

The money raised will be donated to Tearfund to support people around the globe during the Covid-19 outbreak.

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Many of those involved have been climbing their stairs 35 times each day, but one of the participants, Beth Templeton (15), has been completing 525 steps each day at the rear of her bungalow.

Commenting on the kindhearted initiative, the Ballyclare High School student said: “I was happy to volunteer and be part of this fundraising effort for Tearfund.

“The Ben Nevis challenge has given me something to focus on during lockdown. It has been hard work at times and some days are easier than others.

“Most people have been climbing their stairs in the house, but living in a bungalow, I’ve been climbing six steps at the back of my home. I’ve been doing it each day at around 5pm and I’m glad we’ve been able to raise so much for the charity.”

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An online fundraising page has been set up to collect donations for the worthy cause.

At the time of going to publication, £905 has been raised.

If you would like to make a donation, go to


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