Ballyclare butcher donates meat parcels for families in need

Stephen McGookin and Irene Kilpatrick, Antrim CAP mar.nageStephen McGookin and Irene Kilpatrick, Antrim CAP mar.nage
Stephen McGookin and Irene Kilpatrick, Antrim CAP mar.nage | Other 3rd Party
A big-hearted Ballyclare butcher has ensured that families in real need don’t go hungry during the lockdown.

Jenkins, an award-winning outlet in the Co Antrim town, has partnered up with Christians Against Poverty to donate more than 20 meat parcels to the families being helped with debt problems.

Irene Kilpatrick, Ballyclare/Antrim CAP Debt Centre manager, said: “The families we have been helping with debts have seen their budgets seriously stretched due to job losses, being furloughed or having children at home full time.

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“This has resulted in utility and food bills being dramatically increased so such a generous donation from Jenkins has been such a blessing to some of our families and we want to publicly thank them for making a difference.”

Irene added that the Ballyclare/Antrim Debt Centre is continuing to see an increase in the number of new families and individuals seeking help.

CAP makes the following suggestions of how to deal with a debt problem:

Make a budget detailing your current income and expenditure (both essential and non-essential) and look at what is left. Is there anywhere cut backs could be made?

Check what help or benefits you may be eligible to claim.

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If your budget is too tight, make a list of all the companies/people you owe money to. Contact each one, explain the situation and ask about any payment schemes they offer.

If you need extra support, seek professional advice from a debt advice charity such as Christians Against Poverty – visit or ring 0800 328 0006 for more information.

“At Christians Against Poverty (CAP), we know all too well the link between financial struggles and ill-health. If you have money worries, seek help sooner rather than later.”


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