There is in fact good reason to bypass Prince Charles as king

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Dr Gerald Morgan:

I disagree with your editorial on this subject (‘There is no need for the throne to bypass Prince Charles,’ April 6, see link below).

There is every reason for Charles to stand aside — he betrayed his wife, HRH Princess Diana, as the future Queen of England.

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I was in the Mall on the 6 September 1997 when the Royal Standard was belatedly lowered over Buckingham Palace, thus saving the monarchy.

I am probably among a majority of English men and women, loyal to the Queen and the monarchy, who find Charles unacceptable as King and Camilla as Queen, although I wish them both well.

The future King (or indeed Queen if Anne were to be preferred as Anne II) will also be Supreme Governor of the Church of England, following Elizabeth I in 1558. God Save The Queen.

Dr Gerald Morgan, Dublin