The BBC is increasingly left-wing and politically correct, and is not fit for purpose

Black Lives Matter protest in Belfast on Wednesday, at which social distancing was not observed, and which breached rules on large gatherings. Mark Hamilton: "It was also interesting that there was little criticism of the mass Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, Belfast, Dublin and the UK with regard to social distancing"Black Lives Matter protest in Belfast on Wednesday, at which social distancing was not observed, and which breached rules on large gatherings. Mark Hamilton: "It was also interesting that there was little criticism of the mass Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, Belfast, Dublin and the UK with regard to social distancing"
Black Lives Matter protest in Belfast on Wednesday, at which social distancing was not observed, and which breached rules on large gatherings. Mark Hamilton: "It was also interesting that there was little criticism of the mass Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, Belfast, Dublin and the UK with regard to social distancing" | Other 3rd Party
How much longer are the people of this country going to be forced, through licence fees, to finance the BBC which continues to feed viewers unsatisfactory news and politics programmes.

The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community, which have been the BBC’s darlings for many years, must be feeling neglected now that the BBC’s affections are now focused on BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) causes.

While the death of George Floyd was disgraceful and I’ve no doubt black American communities have genuine grievances (as do many white communities closer to home), the BBC’s reporting in the aftermath has been over-the-top and unbalanced.

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The coronavirus pandemic has been relegated to a side-story.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell

On Wednesday, I watched the BBC morning news with Victoria Derbyshire, and had to check if I has stumbled upon a new Black Empowerment channel.

A headline at the bottom of the screen, referring to Black Lives Matters and other related protests in the United States, proclaimed ‘protests mainly peaceful’ and when they did report on instances of trouble, there was minimal mention of looting and violence which is widespread according to reliable contacts of mine in the United States.

The coverage smacked of bias and seemed pro-protest and naturally anti-Trump.

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The programme then wheeled out commentators who reminded us all of ‘white privilege for centuries’, the Grenfell tragedy, the Windrush Generation and then showed reports that members of the BAME community were more likely to die from coronavirus and more likely to be fined for non-observance of lockdown restrictions.

Finally, a story not linked to the BAME community was aired, a tale of woe about a transgender person who was insulted, nothing more than jeered at, in a bar in Los Angeles last August. Is someone being insulted in a bar really world news?

It was also interesting that there was little criticism of the mass Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, Belfast, Dublin and the UK with regard to social distancing.

It seems the BBC feel these mass gatherings are fine which is surprising given that they spent days and days conducting a microscopic analysis of Dominic Cummings’ interactions with his family.

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I am no fan of Cummings and do not wish to defend him in any way but if he is to be lambasted surely so should protestors who seem oblivious to social distancing laws. I suspect the BBC would not give Cummings credit if he saved a child from a rabid dog due to his part in Brexit.

In the opinion of many including myself, the BBC’s reports on the mass gatherings at republican funerals that took place here in Northern Ireland during lockdown were about as spineless as they could be.

No pressure was put on, or hard questions asked to, those involved in the funerals or to the police for that matter. Why? Maybe teenagers on a beach are easier targets.

In my mind, the increasingly left-wing liberal BBC is not fit for purpose. It has become obsessed with BAME, LGBT, feminist and political-correctness issues with equality used as a flag of convenience.

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I think of the Radio Ulster Talkback programme as the Left-Wing Lunchtime Love in.

If the BBC was self-financing, I would say let them produce and broadcast whatever they want and they could live or die based on advertising revenues and subscriptions, but it is infuriating that the general public are forced to pay a licence fee which enables them to produce material that is repulsive to so many members of the public.

It is also worth saying that the vast majority of politicians are silent on this issue.

Mark Hamilton, Coagh

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