Senator Daly has no understanding of Protestants, unionists, loyalists or pro Union Catholics who identify as British and wish to remain in UK

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
Re the letter from Archibald Toner (‘Senator Mark Daly is burying his head in sand about the hatred that republicans have towards Protestants and unionists,’ January 4) concerning Fianna Fail Senator Mark Daly, who was fired from the front bench a year ago.

Mr Toner to his credit raises pertinent and important issues that cannot be ignored by right minded politicians, North and South.

If Senator Daly believes that by producing unconvincing reports in pursuit of unification, acting naively in boldly assuming that funding for disadvantaged loyalist communities in Northern Ireland ‘will help avert violence’ in the event of Irish unification, he is seriously deluded.

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The senator, intentionally or through lack of knowledge, fails to comprehend and respect our unique situation, culture or identity.

He has no understanding of Protestants, unionists, loyalists, pro Union Catholics or those with no faith wishing to identify as British and remain in the United Kingdom.

He is aiding and abetting Sinn Fein in its perceived aggressive, divisive and toxic stance of demands for a border poll and is out of step with his leader Michael Martin and all political parties in these islands.

Perhaps his time would be better spent focused on bringing communities here together and addressing the hatred that Mr Toner alludes to.

Issy Whyte, Dromore, Co Down