Letter: Unpaid carers urged to share their experiences and help make a case for change to Stormont

A letter from Craig Harrison:
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Letters to editor

Over 220,000 people are providing unpaid care for sick or disabled family members across Northern Ireland.

They’re doing so at an enormous cost to their health, wellbeing and quality of life – driving themselves to physical breaking point, poverty and despair as they keep our health service afloat with little help in return.

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Carers NI’s annual State of Caring survey seeks to shine a light on these experiences and give a voice to carers.

It covers a wide range of themes, including carers’ finances, health, wellbeing and more – helping to build a picture of unpaid caring.

We need as many carers as possible to complete the survey and help generate the evidence we need to make a case for change to Stormont.

It is available online at: www.tinyurl.com/StateofCaring24

Craig Harrison, Carers NI