Letter: There will be great relief at minister's decision not to scrap bus passes for senior citizens

A letter from Kieran McCarthy:
Over-60s are entitled to travel on public buses and trains for free in Northern Ireland, regardless of their income, and this system will continue.Over-60s are entitled to travel on public buses and trains for free in Northern Ireland, regardless of their income, and this system will continue.
Over-60s are entitled to travel on public buses and trains for free in Northern Ireland, regardless of their income, and this system will continue.

It was with great delight that I read that our infrastructure minister, John O’Dowd, has decided to retain and protect the free bus pass for senior citizens.

As far back as 1998 in the first assembly period, I along with others, including representatives from senior groups from all over Northern Ireland, campaigned for free public transport for all senior citizens.

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Thankfully the assembly at that time accepted our proposal and the smart pass was introduced and continues to be widely used.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Recently, the department carried out a public consultation on the issue, giving a number of options. This included a complete withdrawal, and people responded to the consultation. I attended a public rally at City Hall calling on the minister to retain the much-used bus pass.

In my final speech before retirement on March 15, 2016 in the assembly chamber, I pleaded with the incoming new executive and minister to ‘keep their hands off our bus pass’.

On this occasion, John O’Dowd has listened and realised the health benefits both mentally and physically to our senior citizens and he has decided to retain the bus pass.

Well done, John! All of the users of the bus pass will today be relieved and delighted that you made the correct decision.

Kieran McCarthy JP, former MLA, Strangford