Letter: The Provos were knackers, bullies and racketeers who smeared our Tri-colour with intimidation and murder

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Michael Deasy:

The Provos. They weren't soldiers. They were knackers and bullies. Racketeers. Flag of convenience psychos and rapists.

They smeared our tri-colour and the concept of republicanism with diesel, excrement, cocaine, abduction, torture, intimidation and murder. They intimidated "their own" first.

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They jerked around in prison and wrote mortifyingly bad essays and poetry. On occasion , they deliberately murdered children. Warrington, Mullaghmore and elsewhere.

Any time. Any time. The Provos came up against real soldiers – they got their asses handed to them. At Loughgall and Gibraltar. For example.

The IRA ASU salute – "hands up three square meals per day please your Majesty and God Bless your system of Justice" did not avail them there.

Then they went whinging and bleating to the European Court of Human Rights. Like the whatever works impostors that they are.

The Provos. An Army. My Ass.

Michael Deasy, Bandon, Cork

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