Letter: Sycophantic media fails to ask questions of Pat Cullen's move from nursing head to candidate for the republican movement

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Samuel Morrison:

The reaction of the broadcast media to the selection of Pat Cullen, the former head of the Royal College of Nursing, as the Sinn Fein/IRA candidate for Fermanagh and South Tyrone has been, frankly, sycophantic.

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Most telling of all is the fact that no journalist has asked how someone can be head of the RCN one day and a candidate for the movement which filled our hospitals for 30 years the next.

This is particularly pertinent when it comes to Fermanagh given that Ms Cullen aspires to represent Enniskillen, a town where on 8th November 1987 the republican movement chose to send Marie Wilson (a student nurse), Alberta Quinton (a retired nursing sister), Kit Johnston (a retired ambulance driver) and his wife ‪Jessie Johnston (yet another retired nurse) out into eternity by way of the Poppy Day bombing.

Samuel Morrison, TUV Fermanagh native