Letter: Insanity of not fielding single unionist candidates is a retrograde step which will inflict lasting damage

A letter from David McNarry:
The UK is preparing to go to the polls on July 4 to determine the make-up of the next government. In Northern Ireland, unionist leaders have failed to agree on unity candidates.The UK is preparing to go to the polls on July 4 to determine the make-up of the next government. In Northern Ireland, unionist leaders have failed to agree on unity candidates.
The UK is preparing to go to the polls on July 4 to determine the make-up of the next government. In Northern Ireland, unionist leaders have failed to agree on unity candidates.

At a time when unionism is reeling from division and fighting for its political survival, needing urgently to regroup, revitalise and consolidate, it beggars belief that splits surface in rejection of genuine calls for unity.

It has become clearer by the day that for some parties a unity of purpose around 'single candidates' was never a starter.

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Consequently, a great opportunity to retain all unionist held seats and regain North Belfast, North Down and Fermanagh-South Tyrone is lost.

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This, plus jeopardising seats in East Belfast, Lagan Valley and even Strangford is a bridge too far for disenchanted loyal unionists.

Splitting open the unionist wall has plunged unionism into the depths of continuity and gains versus disunity and losses.

Unionists like me have not shelved their principles or resentment towards the framework. Being labelled protocol implementers is insulting.

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In the absence of a planned alternative strategy to immediately remove the framework, pragmatic thinking determines that the framework remains a time framed work in progress which if not resolved will shut down Stormont. It is a positive approach that should have united unionism.

But events inside unionism’s turmoil have turned party politics inside out. The election is now a contest to be decided by the electorate once and for all who deserves to be the outright leader of political unionism. Having three disunited leaders is not working for unionists.

I do not belong to any party contesting the election. The insanity of not fielding single unionist candidates is a retrograde step which will inflict lasting damage to the unionist cause.

When it comes to voting, the advice is to support the candidate who can secure the seat for unionists. My choice in Strangford is to vote DUP.

David McNarry, former UUP and UKIP assembly member for Strangford