Letter: I once was proud to call Pat Cullen my leader, now I'm worried she’ll ruin my reputation

A letter from John Watson:
Former General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing Pat Cullen has repeatedly been urged to clarify her view on IRA violence ahead of the general electionFormer General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing Pat Cullen has repeatedly been urged to clarify her view on IRA violence ahead of the general election
Former General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing Pat Cullen has repeatedly been urged to clarify her view on IRA violence ahead of the general election

As a newly qualified nurse who trained during and following the Covid-19 pandemic, it was Pat Cullen's leadership and voice that continued to give me hope and confidence in the future of nursing.

Despite a cost of living crisis, staff recruitment and retention issues, inadequate pay award and public frustration with the NHS, I was proud to have a local voice leading and driving the voice of change, leading the 4th largest trade union in the UK (Statista, 2021/22).

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Ms Cullen championed standing up to the UK government, leading the first ever UK wide nursing nursing strikes and rallying public support.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Yet I worry that if elected, public opinion of nursing staff and the NHS in general will decline.

From Ms Cullen’s silence to apologise over IRA bombings including the killing of a nurse, to the Royal College of Nurse removing (before re-uploading) an article on their website with Ms Cullen praising HM The King.

Additionally, I struggle to see the full progressive impact that can be achieved while standing for a party with a policy of abstentionism.

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I once was proud to call Pat Cullen my leader who I followed, now I'm worried she’ll ruin my reputation.

Will accusations and assumptions be made about nurses who participate in future strikes, discuss work and pay conditions or even wear a RCN badge in work?

While I am thankful and grateful to Ms Cullen for her support and dedication to all nursing staff and patients, will her election really bring the progressive change so desperately needed, or undo all the progress that has been made?

John Watson, nurse, Co Antrim

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