It is wrong to say that Northern Ireland has a superior MOT system for testing vehicles to Great Britain

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from David Graham:

I would not agree we have a superior MOT in Northern Ireland to Great Britain (Editorial, September 27, see link below).

In Great Britain a tester needs a minimum of seven years working on vehicles before being allowed to test a vehicle. Here anyone can apply to be an MOT inspector after doing a preliminary course

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One example: a van failed after having all new suspension bushes fitted, the inspector said there was slight movement in the arms, that is why rubber bushes are used. When questioned they admitted they didn’t know that and had never worked on a vehicle or no intention of working with vehicles.

I could quote a dozen other examples.

I am retired now but did do vehicle mechanical and body repairs and am still in contact with my ex customers to give advice and help them to stay on the road. Any of my customers who run vehicles across to Scotland or England get them tested over there. That’s how bad it is.

Out of 30 vehicles we look after one failure in two years.

David Graham, Portadown

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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