Dominic Cummings travelled 200+ miles when rest of country is doing its best to obey lockdown

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
Personally I agree with those who are expressing their furious indignation at Dominic Cummings ie, the prime minister’s advisor, travelling a two hundred mile plus journey to see his relatives in Durham.

I ask what encouragement does this give to the electorate, who are doing their level best to obey the prime minister’s rules of ‘essential journeys only’, and furthermore get fined if they do not obey such rules?

Now I am old enough to recall when the British people had not only ‘law and order’ and respect for the police, but had ‘appropriate’ punishment, meted out to suit the crime committed.

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Today, I view the British people as being governed by politicians (with, I confess, a few exceptions) who fill their pockets with taxpayers’ money. This being bad enough, but to display behaviour that ignores the laws as set down by government sets a most unworthy standard for criminals to take advantage of.

In conclusion, I ask what encouragement is Dominic Cummings showing to the people of the NHS, who are not only working their heart out to save people’s lives, but knowingly doing their duty at the expense of possibly losing their own life?

These people, and including the electorate, do not deserve to be governed in such a manner.

Harry Stephenson, Kircubbin, Co Down