David Campbell: Leo Varadkar insulted all British citizens by saying UK government can’t be trusted

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from David Campbell:

The comments from Leo Varadkar are outrageous and he should be challenged to withdraw them immediately [he said “surely the message must go out to all countries around the world that this is a British government that doesn’t necessarily keep its word and doesn’t necessarily honour the agreements it makes”].

Irrespective of the current renegotiation of the NI Protocol, for a former Irish Prime Minister to impugn the integrity of the UK is out of order and a gross insult to all British citizens.

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Leo Varadkar would do well to remember the help and support the UK has rendered to the Irish Republic since its formation, not least the loan of many billions of pounds to support its economy during the last economic crisis.

David Campbell, Chairman of the Loyalist Communities Council

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