It is Islamic tyranny that has caused the mass exodus of indigenous Christians to leave Bethlehem, not peacemaking efforts by Israel

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Each year we are treated to an annual spiel about Bethlehem by the BBC at Christmas as predictably as the yearly address to the nation by Her Majesty the Queen.

Without fail we are subjected to one-sided journalism and reporting intended to vilify Israel for all of the woes of the Palestinian Arabs and of Bethlehem, even if things are quiet on the ground, as they are now.

This year they tried to predict how terrible the economy would be this year with tourists staying away, then after the event they had to admit that it was in fact a very good year for tourism to the town.

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Why? Because Israeli security measures set in place help to assure visitors that Islamic terrorism is being held at bay now for many years.

There is cricitism for Israel having a security wall with an aim to keep a semblance of peace. There has certainly been a reduction in bloodshed since its erection.

In Belfast we have a ‘peace’ wall with the aim to keep a semblance of security. What is the difference?

In the press a headline was published making the point that if Jesus were to come to Britain they would not let him in, due to the perceived state of immigration policy.

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It would be more true today that Jesus would not be allowed into Bethlehem or indeed Mary or Joseph as Israeli Jews from the Galilee due to the Islamic intolerance for their semitic cousins that currently reigns over the town.

It is this tyranny over the Biblical City of David that has caused the mass exodus of indigenous Christians to leave Bethlehem, not any peacemaking efforts by Israel.

Colin Nevin, Former Hilton chef, Israel (1991-2002), Bangor

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