It’s time Scotland stopped ignoring the human rights of people with autism - Nick Ward

Nick Ward, Director of National Autistic Society ScotlandNick Ward, Director of National Autistic Society Scotland
Nick Ward, Director of National Autistic Society Scotland
Autistic people’s human rights are being ignored.

While there have been many ambitious and well-intentioned strategies over the years from Government and partners, and rights are there on paper, we sadly hear day in day out how individuals and families are struggling to get the support they need. Support needed to succeed at school, live within the community, manage mental and physical health as well as help to get into work and build a career.

Families across Scotland bear the mental and emotional bruises from fighting the system to get the support they need for their child often to the detriment of their own careers and relationships. Support for autistic adults is very much dependent on are in many cases people are scarred when services are not there in moments of crisis.

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