'Reopen council recycling centres now' says DUP

The DUP wants to see all council recycling centres reopen with immediate effect.The DUP wants to see all council recycling centres reopen with immediate effect.
The DUP wants to see all council recycling centres reopen with immediate effect. | jpimedia
The DUP grouping on Mid Ulster District Council believes now is the time for the reopening of the recycling centres at the three main hubs - Cookstown, Dungannon and Magherafelt - with immediate effect.

They are accusing Sinn Féin of “holding up the process”, however, they say pressure has been building for some time from ratepayers and the business community to have the centres opened in a controlled manner like other council areas have done.

Group leader Councillor Paul McLean pointed out that the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has written to all 11 council with guidelines as to what measures need to be put in place to reopen.

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“The chairman of the Environment committee Wilbert Buchanan has held a meeting with senior officers of council, and they have confirmed that they have all the plans in place to reopen,” he said.

“The DUP group has also written to the chief executive requesting a special meeting of council to further this issue in the interest of all our constituents.”

But Sinn Féin group leader Councillor Cathal Mallaghan pointed out that last week the executive reviewed their measures for ensuring the public safety of citizens.

“Within that review no new recommendations were made that changed the description of an essential journey.

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“Trips to recycling centres are therefore not essential,” he said.

Councillor Mallaghan stressed that all these measures are to prevent the spread of Covid-19, to save lives and to protect the NHS.

“I believe as the transmission levels of the disease are falling we are moving towards relaxation of these measures,” he continued. The Cookstown councillor said Mid Ulster has a council meeting already scheduled for May 28, and calling for a special council meeting for this particular issue “is a waste of resources at a critical time.”

“I look forward to the Executive’s road map to recovery due to be announced today (Tuesday).

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“I hope within it, will be a reasonable adjustment to current lock down measures,” he continued.

“When recycling centres do open, they will have to be managed very carefully to protect our staff and users.

“SF councillors will monitor usage to ensure that the measures in place are effective and that this activity can continue safely.

“So far in the north we have lost over 400 people to this terrible pandemic. I wish to extend our party’s condolences to all those families and friends who have been affected. The toll could have been much higher only for the great work our people have done by staying at home and observing social distancing.

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“It’s important this message is still heard loud and clear across Mid Ulster.”

Mid Ulster District Council has said that the situation regarding its sites remained “under review”.

The council closed its recycling centres on March 26 along with other councils to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The move resulted in an increase in fly-tipping across the district prompting calls on social media for the centres to be reopened.

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The council said they believed by allowing the centres to remain open, they were also encouraging travel which is not essential, and appealed to the community for understanding “in what are unprecedented circumstances.”

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