Mid and East Antrim Council uses new app in response to dog fouling and fly-tipping

People using the app can send photographs and learn about responsible dog ownership.People using the app can send photographs and learn about responsible dog ownership.
People using the app can send photographs and learn about responsible dog ownership. | Other 3rd Party
Mid and East Antrim Council is using a new app as part of its crack down on irresponsible dog owners.

The Reportable App for smartphones allows people to report dog fouling left on pavements.

When callers contact the council to report dog fouling they will be referred to The Reportable App, which can be downloaded from the iPhone App Store or Android Play store.

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It allows the complainant to photograph the issue and enter the location and further details. An officer can follow up where necessary and keep the person reporting the problem updated via the app.

A council spokesperson said: “This app is just one of the methods we are using to address the issue of dog fouling in Mid and East Antrim.

“It means that residents can report incidents to us any time of the day, any day in the week at a time that suits them. It’s restricted for use of this borough, and is free to download.”

The app also gives residents the opportunity to report animal welfare incidents, pollution, high hedges, pests, dog foul, fly-tipping or abandoned vehicles. Instructions for downloading and use are on the council website.

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The launch comes as Mid and East Antrim Council appeals during this difficult time when people are out exercising their dog to be mindful of others.

In a statement, council said: “Please remember that everyone shares the footpaths and walking routes throughout the borough. It is important that dog owners keep their dog under control and clean up after it ensuring that these areas remain clean for all to use.

“Generally most people clean up after their dogs with only a minority of individuals being irresponsible, please support us by continuing to report dog fouling incidences. Phone 03001245000 to report an incident, or use our Reportable App, and all incidents will be treated as strictly confidential.

“We would also appreciate that if you witness any incidents of fly-tipping across Mid and East Antrim to also report this to council. Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of rubbish or bulky items on land where dumping isn’t allowed.”

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The local authority added it continues to operate zero tolerance in relation to offenders who will receive a fixed penalty.

A council spokesperson, said: “The council will be using specific street cleaning equipment designed to tackle dog fouling and clean up any instances of people failing to lift dog mess.

“However, we would urge residents to please report dog fouling and fly-tipping issues and help the council keep local communities clean during these times when everyone wants to enjoy their daily exercise experience close to their homes.”


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