Ballymena firm puts Covid-19 to the test

Ballymena diagnostic company exporting millions of Covid-19 testing kits globallyBallymena diagnostic company exporting millions of Covid-19 testing kits globally
Ballymena diagnostic company exporting millions of Covid-19 testing kits globally | Other 3rd Party
A Ballymena diagnostics company is working around the clock to manufacture millions of COVID-19 rapid test kits amid the ongoing pandemic.

Based in Ballymena Business Centre, Prestige Diagnostics UK is exporting its range of Coronavirus testing devices to its global network of distributors across the UK and Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and South America.

With a need for testing set to continue for months, if not years, founder and Managing Director Alan Rodgers said the firm is preparing to “significantly ramp up” its operations to meet unprecedented demand for its product range.

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He said: “Our Research and Development team have worked hard to deliver a range of high-quality COVID-19 rapid test devices – ranging from a simple finger prick 10-minute fast-responsive test and nasal and throat swab tests, to more detailed PCR testing suitable for GP clinics and hospital laboratories – all offering accurate results every time.

“The fight has just begun, and this will be with us for a very long time. However, we are uniquely placed to offer four different assay (tests) lines including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing – a laboratory technique used to make multiple copies of a segment of DNA. PCR is very precise and can be used to amplify, or copy, a specific DNA target from a mixture of DNA molecules.

The Prestige Diagnostics testing devices are now being used by health services across the world, serviced via the company’s international distribution network. In addition, the firm is supplying its devices directly to industry – such as the oil industry, testing workers before they enter and as they leave an oil rig. In a collective statement, Mid and East Antrim Council’s Group Party Leaders commended Prestige Diagnostics for its agility. They said: “Alan and his team are to be commended for responding so quickly to the fight against COVID-19 in the way that they have. That the positive impact of their work is being felt by healthcare professionals and industry across the work is truly outstanding.”


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