NWRC launch suite of fully funded online courses for local businesses

Sinead Hawkins, Business Skills Manager at NWRC says North West Regional College (NWRC) Business Support Centre (BSC) is delighted to be able to deliver a new suite of fully-funded online courses for businessesSinead Hawkins, Business Skills Manager at NWRC says North West Regional College (NWRC) Business Support Centre (BSC) is delighted to be able to deliver a new suite of fully-funded online courses for businesses
Sinead Hawkins, Business Skills Manager at NWRC says North West Regional College (NWRC) Business Support Centre (BSC) is delighted to be able to deliver a new suite of fully-funded online courses for businesses | Freelance
North West Regional College (NWRC) Business Support Centre (BSC) is delighted to be able to deliver a new suite of fully-funded online courses for businesses that can be accessed via mobile phones, computers and tablet devices, funded by the Department for the Economy’s Skills Focus Programme.

The NWRC is offering courses in areas such as Leadership & Management, Business & Digital Marketing, Early Years, Health & Social Care and Advanced IT.

Commenting on the new scheme Sinead Hawkins, Business Skills Manager at NWRC, said: “Upskilling is key for every business at the minute and we are delighted that the Department for the Economy are fully funding these courses.

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“It enables businesses to support their staff on furlough and also for owners or directors to develop new skills to move forward positively with a new way of doing business.

“We also offer free training needs analysis and tailored training solutions specific to the businesses’ sector.”

If you are a business based in Northern Ireland with less than 250 staff and looking to up-skill, you could be eligible for the Department for the Economy’s Skills Focus Programme.

For more information about the Skills Focus programme or to get advice on any of their online courses and more simply visit, http://bsc.nwrc.ac.uk/skills-focus/ or telephone 07830361640.

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