Non-teaching education staff in four unions gearing up for possible industrial action in Northern Ireland

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​Members of four unions are gearing up for potential industrial action.

Representatives of NIPSA, Unison, Unite and GMB said that they were left disappointed y a meeting with education minister Paul Givan on Thursday, and as such are considering “escalation” of their current “action short of strike” (which typically means working-to-rule).

It is the latest development in a row over pay involving “non-teaching education workers”.

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After the meeting, a joint statement from the unions said Mr Givan has said “he is seeking funding from the NI Assembly Executive to fully implement” a pay uplift, but “expressed concern that sufficient funding would not be made available in this year’s Assembly budget”.

Unison is one of the unions involvedUnison is one of the unions involved
Unison is one of the unions involved

The statement said: “Whilst the Assembly has addressed the outstanding pay issues in other areas of the public sector, workers in education are facing the prospect of being passed over once again.

"This mainly female workforce is based in every community, village, town and city in Northern Ireland. They are employed across all schools and Education Authority buildings and their work is accepted as crucial to the delivery of education services to children...

“Trade unions are disappointed that even at this late stage the issue of the Pay and Grading Review has not been resolved

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"It is intolerable that the voice of education workers has not been heard. With that in mind we are taking steps to review and strengthen our current action short of strike action and, in addition, discussions will take place about escalating strike action.”