HMS Caroline facing ‘dire situation’ due to coronavirus lockdown

HMS Caroline in BelfastHMS Caroline in Belfast
HMS Caroline in Belfast
Belfast-based HMS Caroline has been placed in a “dire” situation” by the coronavirus crisis and the resulting loss of revenue, the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN) has warned.

Due to the countrywide shutdown, the 1916 Battle of Jutland survivor will mark its fourth anniversary since a £15 million refurbishment closed it to much-needed visitors.

While many of the UK’s national museums receive up to 80% funding from central government, the attractions operated by the NMRN are allocated only 19% with the remainder self-generated.

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Dominic Tweddle, the NMRN’s general director, said: “Currently 91% of the staff at HMS Caroline have been asked to take furlough leave, something that has been critical in helping us manage our financial position.

HMS Caroline in BelfastHMS Caroline in Belfast
HMS Caroline in Belfast | Aaron McCracken/Harrison Photography

“Many will have seen in the media the dire situation facing museums up and down the country but perhaps don’t realise that a National Museum such as ours, faces those same challenges.”

HMS Caroline was a finalist of the 2019 Art Fund Museum of the Year.

Mr Tweddle added: “We have reached out to departments across the Navy, Ministry of Defence and Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and have had great messages of support – but nevertheless the situation still remains precarious.”

The NMRN has appealed for anyone who wishes to support its attractions to donate at www,