Enterprise NI looks forward to working alongside 'incoming ministers' to build a strong culture of entrepreneurship across Northern Ireland

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Recent Enterprise NI Barometer ‘highlights the very real requirement for further specific assistance’ after 77% micro and small businesses sought business advice or support in the last 12 months

Chief executive of Enterprise NI has expressed his delight at working alongside ‘incoming ministers to build a strong and flourishing culture of entrepreneurship right across Northern Ireland’.

Based in Limavady, Enterprise NI is the umbrella organisation over the 27 local enterprise agencies which helps Northern Ireland entrepreneurs with support, guidance, funding and advice.

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Reacting to the news that the DUP have signalled their willingness to move to restore the NI Assembly, Michael McQuillan, chief executive of Enterprise NI, said: “This is a significant step forward towards the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive. We welcome this move to bring back devolved government and ministerial decision making which has been lacking for too long.

“Our most recent NI Enterprise Barometer saw over half (52%) of the micro and small businesses surveyed state their concern that cost pressures are impacting the future sustainability of their business. 77% also revealed they had sought some form of business advice or support in the last 12 months. This highlights the very real requirement for further specific assistance for these types of businesses and the need for Northern Ireland’s first dedicated Entrepreneurship Strategy.

“We acknowledge there are some legislative commitments the UK government has to fulfil but hopefully we will see the agreed nomination of the likes of a new economy, finance and communities minister in place in the not too distant future, making decisions to help assist and support local enterprise and entrepreneurs, and those seeking to start a new business.

“Enterprise NI and our LEA network look forward to working alongside our incoming ministers to build a strong and flourishing culture of entrepreneurship right across Northern Ireland, ensuring we are in a position to achieve our vision of a 10x economy.

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Michael McQuillan, chief executive of Enterprise NIMichael McQuillan, chief executive of Enterprise NI
Michael McQuillan, chief executive of Enterprise NI

"This means enabling more local entrepreneurs to establish and grow better local businesses. Alongside generating more meaningful local jobs, economic growth, and local community prosperity, getting Local Enterprise Support Right generates wider societal benefits such as improved health and wellbeing of valued local employees; an enhanced appetite for, and engagement in, education; training and personal development; and stronger local community cohesion and civic pride. We must build on and harness this new era of positivity and further economic and social development.”