Engineering firm hosts Open Day event

Jai Aenugu (Techforce MD), Kerrie Murray (Pryme Group CFO), Angus Gray (Pryme Group CEO), Colin Clark MP, Jan Poots (Finance Manager), Dawn Farmer of BrewDog, cllr Gillian Owen and Lucinda Craig of SengSJai Aenugu (Techforce MD), Kerrie Murray (Pryme Group CFO), Angus Gray (Pryme Group CEO), Colin Clark MP, Jan Poots (Finance Manager), Dawn Farmer of BrewDog, cllr Gillian Owen and Lucinda Craig of SengS
Jai Aenugu (Techforce MD), Kerrie Murray (Pryme Group CFO), Angus Gray (Pryme Group CEO), Colin Clark MP, Jan Poots (Finance Manager), Dawn Farmer of BrewDog, cllr Gillian Owen and Lucinda Craig of SengS
An Ellon-based engineering services firm held an Open Day event recently for current and potential clients.

The event was held at SengS’ Balmacassie Industrial Estate base on Friday, August 31 to showcase the work carried out by the company and Pryme Group.

The Open Day was supported by BrewDog, with the craft beer firm offering visitors a tour of its brewery.

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Speaking to the Times CEO of Pryme Group, Angus Gray, said: “We have had a diverse number of visitors from predominately the oil and gas industry but other markets too. We’ve also had some members of the public come in to have a look around.

“Our aim is to showcase Pryme Group and what we do from design engineering and machinery to coating and painting.

“It has been a very successful day, we have had a lot of enquiries and I’m delighted that the local MP is here.”

Gordon MP Colin Clark said: “It’s great to see two successful businesses in Gordon.

“SangS is at the cutting edge of oil and gas technology and by recruiting in Gordon it shows the talent that we have in the area.

“Graduates should realise that this is a growth industry. It worries me that oil and gas companies are losing graduates to other industries as they believe it isn’t a long-term solution.”

Mr Clark added: “BrewDog has had a brand explosion making it one of the most dynamic brands in the world and it’s inspiring that it is here in Ellon.”

Ellon and District councillor Gillian Owen said: “This type of event when local business meets the community is hugely benifical.

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“Ellon is suffering at the moment with businesses leaving the town centre but local residents need to support all business in Ellon and this is a successful way of achieving co-operation.

“We need to be innovative when it comes to looking at how we develop the town centre, just like SengS and BrewDog have been.”

Dawn Farmer, duty manager of BrewDog added: “We have been offering tours of our Site 1 production, giving visitors a look at what goes on behind the scenes and to let them see what the neighbours are up to.”

SengS has invested £4.4million over the last four years in developing its 9,817 sq ft test facility in Ellon, including a £250,000 investment to enhance its pressure testing capability and the installation of a test rig and water test tank.

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