Dale Farm reports annual turnover is up £19m to £524m

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Dairy cooperative Dale Farm has reported what its Chief Executive describes as a ‘resilient’ performance in a challenging environment for the financial year ending March 2021.

Overall group turnover is up £19m to £524m (previous year £505m). Group operating profit was reported at £14.0m (previous year £12.2m), Group operating profit (after exceptional items) was reported at £9.9m (previous year £12.2m), Group profit before tax £8.2m (previous year £9.8m), EBITDA £20.8m (previous year £19.3m)

Dale Farm Group Chief Executive Nick Whelan said: “I am pleased to report another solid year of results for Dale Farm for 2020/21, achieved despite some challenges during the year, not least the Covid-19 pandemic. Our breadth of sales channels allowed us to benefit from an uplift in retail sales volumes in 2020/21 despite a decline in foodservice sales volumes due to the pandemic. Additional operating costs were incurred during the year due to Covid-19, however despite these headwinds we achieved a solid set of financial results. It is also important to acknowledge the exceptional dedication of our people across the business who delivered a resilient performance.

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“Despite the challenges of 2020/21, we continued with our focus to maximise the return on our members’ milk supply through successful innovation, value added sales streams, proactive margin improvement and continuous cost control, all of which will stand us in good stead and enable us to pay a market competitive milk price as we move forward.”

Dale Farm Group Chief Executive Nick Whelan and Chairman Fred AllenDale Farm Group Chief Executive Nick Whelan and Chairman Fred Allen
Dale Farm Group Chief Executive Nick Whelan and Chairman Fred Allen

Looking ahead, Nick Whelan continued: “The business improvements achieved during 2020/21 and the continued commitment of our people allow us to look with confidence into 2021/22 and beyond. As always, continuous investment in our plant and people, and maximising profitability whilst paying a market competitive milk price will be at the heart of our strategy.”

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