Colleges help navigate Brexit with International Transport and Documentation

NWRC and SERC are set to help local businesses navigate Brexit in a unique collaboration which offers the International Transport and Documentation moduleNWRC and SERC are set to help local businesses navigate Brexit in a unique collaboration which offers the International Transport and Documentation module
NWRC and SERC are set to help local businesses navigate Brexit in a unique collaboration which offers the International Transport and Documentation module
North West Regional College (NWRC) and South Eastern Regional College (SERC) are set to help local businesses navigate Brexit in a unique collaboration which offers the route to gaining a valuable Level 3 qualification from the Institute of Export and International Trade.

Fully funded by the Department for the Economy, the International Transport and Documentation module will be taught virtually over eight weeks commencing February 8 by both Colleges. Successful completion leads to a stand-alone award from which participants can progress to the full Level 3 Certificate in International Trade. It marks a first for the two Colleges who have been accredited to offer qualifications from the Institute of Export in Northern Ireland.

Elaine Flynn from SERC said: “This qualification will be of interest to anyone working in businesses, dealing with international markets and is applicable to a range of sectors from food production to manufacturing. A substantial amount of the course covers Export Documents and Customs Procedures and Documents, ensuring participants are up to speed with new regulations and procedures that have stemmed from Brexit.”

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Sinead Hawkins from NWRC added: “The programme has been designed to fit around a full-time career and includes 16 hours in virtual sessions (2 hours per week) and a further 52 hours supported self-directed study.

“The programme is fully funded so there is no cost to participants or employers for an Award which is set to be highly sought-after and is digitally badged on successful completion. Participants have the option to progress to a full Certificate.”

Places are limited. Interested candidates should send an expression of interest, including their telephone number, to Debbie Scott by email [email protected]

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