‘Can’t Cook but now I have to’ is now online!

Owner and chef at the Millside, Stephanie GrayOwner and chef at the Millside, Stephanie Gray
Owner and chef at the Millside, Stephanie Gray | Freelance
A County Antrim restaurant which closed its doors due to the Coronavirus outbreak has diversified by launching a social media initiative with the theme ‘Can’t Cook but now I have to.’

The Millside Restaurant in Cloughmills has responded to the Covid19 epidemic by setting up a dedicated ‘Millside Kitchen’ Facebook page and You tube channel to give the local community an opportunity to learn more about the culinary arts.

Owner and chef at the Millside, Stephanie Gray, has produced a video on Facebook outlining why management have adopted the idea in what she described as “scary and worrying times.”

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The aim is to give customers and the wider community the opportunity to develop their own cooking skills by harnessing the expertise of the Millside’s kitchen and frontline staff.

Stephanie, explained: “Many people will now have to cater more at home for their families but on occasions might need a helping hand and some useful suggestions.

“If people want to sample something new given the ingredients they already have in their stocked-up larder or have a favourite Millside dish they would like to try at home, then all they have to do is follow our Facebook page and You tube channel the ‘Millside Kitchen Cloughmills’ and we’ll be more than happy to help.

“Then, simply message or email us with their preferred option whether it’s their own ingredients or their meal of choice and one of our chefs and frontline house staff will provide professional advice to help out with videos during this testing time.”

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The initiative doesn’t end there. Many people enjoy a drink with their meals and in recent times Cocktails have become increasingly popular as regular customers of the Millside will be aware of. If anyone wants to know more about the various Cocktail blends or what drinks are suitable for meals just message or email the Millside for the answer and a response will be made available via video.

The purpose of ‘Can’t Cook but now I have to’ is to provide some light relief during a time where lives and daily routine have changed completely with the ‘stay at home’ instruction prompting people to explore different alternatives to pass the time.

That’s why the Millside has also extended an invitation to young ones in the community to tune in on You Tube where nine-year-old, RJ, with a little help from dad, Darrel, will be making amongst other things, pancakes.

Customer loyalty is one of the key elements of the Millside’s business ethos and ‘Can’t Cook but now I have to’ is meant to not only be creative but to give something back to the many thousands of social media followers the restaurant enjoys as well as reaching potential new followers.

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“We want to make people happy during this present crisis and sincerely hope that it won’t be too long before our doors are back open and we can extend the warmest of welcomes to our clients,” Stephanie added.