MEET THE CAST: Limavady Drama Club rehearse for hilarious murder mystery 'A Tomb with a View'

A creepy old library, a will reading and a collection of strange family members – all the ingredients which are set to make Limavady Drama Club’s next play a hilarious, whodunnit hit!

Limavady Drama Club will stage ‘A Tomb with A View’ in Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre in the town from May 30 – June 1.

The murder mystery play is set in a sinister old library, presided over by a portrait of a grim-faced, mad-eyed old man, Septimus Tomb (deceased). There, a dusty lawyer reads Septimus’ will (involving millions of pounds) to an equally sinister family, one member of which has werewolf tendencies, another wanders around in a toga believing he is Julius Ceasar, and a third member is a gentle old lady who plants more than seeds in her flower bed.

With a sympathetic nurse and an author of romantic novels - are they all that they seem to be?

The group is a cross community drama club which performs an annual pantomime and, over the years, has performed numerous plays and musicals since 1948.

Director Tim Brown said: “This is a play full of fun, with a quick-witted view of the Tomb family at the reading of their father’s will. It brings with it twists and turns as one-by-one the beneficiaries of the will are murdered. As the play goes on, there are more corpses than live members left in the family.”

Marise McShane, Chairperson of Limavady Drama Club, thanked everyone who supported the drama club at last year’s murder mystery play and pantomime.

"The purpose and desire of the club is to bring affordable entertainment to our communities, as well as encourage new people to join the clubm, either on or off stage,” she said.

"We hope to see you at The Tomb with a View, with performances on May 30, 31 and 1 June. Come along and see if you can solve the mystery!”

Tickets, priced at £16, are available at the Roe Valley Culture Centre or via Limavady Drama Club’s Facebook page TicketSource link.

Be sure to book your tickets early as the recent productions by Limavady Drama Club have been sell outs!

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